Treasury Holding Electronic Payments

In the event the University receives an electronic payment for which the recipient cannot be determined, Treasury Operations will post the unidentified amount to a central holding account. Departments expecting an electronic payment should check the holding account's Transaction Detail Report (TDR) in the EFR portal in Self Service if the payment does not appear in their expected departmental account's TDR.

  Fund Org Dept Subdept Grant/Prog Fn
HOLDING Account WhoKey 275 05 0303 00000 50509300 00

Payment Details

To obtain additional payment details on electronic payments, simply locate the transaction on the TDR and click on the Journal ID for the transaction in question.

TDR example image

Payment Details Example graphic


Claiming Payments from the Holding Account

When a receiving department identifies money in the holding account:

For funds that are NOT related to an externally sponsored project (not tracked in a fund 500/510):

Current Fiscal Year

  • Create a WebCV journal entry to move funds out of the holding account and into the appropriate departmental account.

Prior Fiscal Year

  • Create a General Ledger Journal Entry (GLJE application) standard entry type transaction to move funds out of the holding account to the appropriate departmental account. Please use the original transaction description field and IACT on the holding account MFK line.

For funds that ARE related to an externally sponsored project (tracked in a fund 500/510):

Treasury Operations will maintain a list of unidentified receipts, and the list will be distributed on a quarterly basis to Department Administrators and Business Officers, who are then responsible for identifying monies belonging to their Department.

Before the end of the current fiscal year, Treasury Operations will review the list of outstanding payments. Unless restricted, payments received in the prior fiscal year will be transferred to a central account.

Please contact Accounting & Financial Reporting at with any questions regarding WebCV or GL Journal Entry usage.  Access to both applications is granted through Workflow-based request forms that are available on the Accounting & Financial Reporting website and clicking on the Financial Systems & Applications menu link on the left.